Why you should install a Rheem Lazer Eco water heater

Reasons To Buy A Lazer Rheem Eco Water Heater
In a work or public environment people might want to have heated water, for example in a workplace, or a sports club, or a motel room. In these situations, a hot water cylinder isn’t the best option. Instead a continuous flow water heater is the best solution.
For a public application, you want hot water that is clean and potable. You certainly don’t want to make your guests, visitors, or staff ill from drinking contaminated water. Space is often either restricted or expensive, so you will want a water heater that is compact. Finally, any commercial organisation will want to minimise its energy bills and for some, they want to reduce their carbon footprint.
Problems With Hot Water Cylinders
There is no doubt that an electrically heated hot water cylinder can be a good solution for many people in lots of different situations. However, there are some problems to be aware of, especially for commercial environments. Some common problems are:
- The hot water can have bacterial build-up,
- Cylinders can result in higher energy bills as constantly heating water is inefficient, and wastes a lot of energy.
- They take up a lot of space.
Advantages Of Point-Of-Use Water Heaters
On the other hand, let’s look at the advantages of instantaneous, or point-of-use, water heaters. Some advantages include:
- No bacterial build up as water is heated as it is used rather than being stored.
- They save money by turning off the heater when not in use, therefore saving energy rather than heating water for use at some stage in the future.
- As there is no large storage tank, a continuous flow water heater needs far less space, an important issue in smaller offices.
Which Point-Of-Use Instant Water Heaters To Install?
One brand stands out for any commercial application – Rheem, and in particular, their Lazer range. Rheem are world leaders in water heaters using many different technologies from various types of hot water cylinder using gas or electricity, through solar powered heaters, and instantaneous water heaters.
Their range covers different capacities, and many clever design aspects. Let’s look at a few of these.
Design of Rheem Lazer Water Heaters
The Rheem Lazers are very reliable having just two moving parts so there is very little that can go wrong. They are also compact taking up little space in your office or club rooms. And perhaps most importantly in a public situation, they are all attractive pieces of equipment with a choice of either a stainless steel or powder-coated white finish.
The water heaters are also very practical as each unit is very easy to clean because of the smooth surface coatings mentioned above. There are no pockets for grease and dirt to get lodged in.
They are also very easy to operate with few controls to learn.
The Range of Rheem Lazer Water Heaters
There are three types of Point-Of-Use water heater in the Lazer range.
Lazer Commercial
This is a high capacity unit in six capacities, being able to heat between 7.5 and 40 litres of water per hour. That equates to a range of 50 – 247 cups of boiling water per hour. These are ideal in larger workplaces or where there is a lot of traffic such as event centres.
It also features a seven-day timer so that once set, the unit will automatically go off over the weekend and come back on again ready for the return to work on Monday. A sleep mode automatically turns off the unit if it hasn’t been used for two hours. These two features can save up to 40% of a regular water heating bill.
Lazer Eco Water Heater Range
This model has an eco-mode control button which shuts down the system until it is ready to be used again and therefore reduces the power consumption during water heating.
It is available in three sizes, 3,5, and 7 litres which is 35 to 50 cups per hour.
Lazer Office
This instantaneous water heater is designed for the smaller office with a capacity of 3 or 5 litres which is 35 to 50 cups of boiling water per hour. It also has the seven-day timer and sleep mode features.
The Lazer Office comes with a 1-year warranty on parts and labour plus there’s a 7-year warranty on the tank itself as well.
Where To Use Continuous Water Heaters
The Lazer range of water heaters is great to incorporate into the home or for office use not just for their efficiency but also their appearance. They can be used in many different situations including offices, large work canteens or lunchrooms, sports club kitchens, motels, are all common places where these water heaters are installed.
Point-Of-Use Water Heaters In West Auckland
At Heron Plumbing we are one of the biggest plumbing companies in the area and on the North Shore. We are also appointed agents for Rheem. This means our plumbers are trained by the Rheem staff themselves.
As a result, we have plenty of experience in advising which Rheem Lazer water heater will suit your circumstances, and then installing them for you.
If you are interested in a Point-Of-Use water heater, call us on 09 836 4009 and we will be happy to discuss it with you.
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